Sunday, October 12, 2014

Water - EPA Regulations Preditory; Transportation Funding


Water continues to be a much-valued asset for Idahoans. The proposed changes in water rules by the EPA are alarming. The EPA and the Core of Engineers have managed so called “navigable” waters of the U.S. for several years. That means they regulate all water, even on private land, that reaches any stream or creek that eventually flows to a river and then to an ocean. Under the proposed changes to the clean water act the EPA and Core of Engineers would mange “all” water even though said water does not leave your private property. Their claim is that it could leave. This means run off water from your house during a storm is subject to regulation. Only Congress can over turn this proposed rule. It must be overturned or every property and homeowner in the U.S. is subject to regulation as to what you build and how you manage your property.

Transportation Funding

Road and bridge wear and deterioration is out pacing the states ability to keep up. The Idaho Transportation department has been much more efficient the last two or three years under our new Director – Brian Ness. Under his leadership more of the funding has gone to roads and bridges and less to administration. He and his staff should be commended. A reliable survey reveals that 64% of Idahoans would support a tax increase to keep our roads and bridges up to par. If further efficiency were not adequate, I would support a modest tax increase to correct the lag. If a tax increase is needed, it should be assessed across the board by the percentage required and not put the whole burden on any one segment not taxed.

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