Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Some Thoughts on Education

Public School Funding

This is always an issue of every legislative session and a concern to Idaho citizens. When state revenues are short, school funding is the first to be cut because that budget can be robbed. An example is the criminal budget – if we send people to jail, we have to feed and house them. That budget cannot be cut. Because the economy is improving, school funding has been restored almost to pre-recession levels. Funding in the 2015 legislative session will likely reach that level. As a former school board member, I have always supported school funding. I feel school teachers should be paid substantionaly more than at present.

Common Core Standards

I am in favor of higher standards of achievement for our students so they are prepared and competitive in the job market. Proponents of common core claim that uniform standards do not prevent any school district from teaching the curriculum they choose. The problem occurs when students take the standardized S-BAC test. If they have been taught differently than the standardized curriculum, they will test lower on the standardized test. Other concerns are student data being sent out of the district and the length of time for testing. Also cost of implementing S-BAC has not been determined. It is reasonable to assume that common core standards will decrease teacher uniqueness and gifted style to teach. Some states that previously were in favor of common core are withdrawing support. There is now less public support as well.

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