Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Federal Lands and State Management

On October 14th I spoke with Mark Richardson on the effect of having State Management of Federal Lands, here are more thoughts on the subject.

Federal Lands in Idaho

In 2013 the Utah Legislature and Governor passed a law requiring the federal government turn title to all BLM and Forest Lands to the state, with a December 31, 2014 deadline. Idaho is considering the issue. Idaho owns the thousands of acres of forest lands; the proceeds going to schools. The state does a very good job of managing our forestland and we make a profit. The federal government on the other hand operates on a deficit budget and spends many millions of dollars in managing with no profit.

Most Idaho citizens are reluctant to embrace state control fearing access would be reduced for recreation and the lands would be sold off to private enterprise. I oppose that happening and it doesn’t need to be. Acquirement should be contingent on the land remaining under state control with no possibility of selling it to private landowners. State control would certainly alleviate school funding problems; lease revenue and profits would go to the state endowment for public schools.

Federal monuments, parks, etc, would be exempt from state control – as they should be.

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